چکیده انگلیسی پایاننامه آقای ابراهیم علی افسری

Title: The process of nursing student’s professional relationship formation with nurses in clinical settings: a grounded theory study
Authr: Ebrahim Ali Afsari


Introduction: Studies shows that having good relationship with staff nurses have important role in developing critical thinking, clinical decision-making, personality and social development and nursing student clinical education promotion. However, there are few studies that deeply examine the phenomenon of relationship between nursing students and clinical nurses. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explain the process of forming a professional relationship between nursing students and nurses in clinical settings.

Method and material: This study was based on the Corbin & Strauss (2014) grounded theory approach based on unstructured face-to-face interviews that later became semi-structured. The study was carried out with the participation of 17students, 3 clinical educators and3 nurses by using purposeful and theoretical sampling in Tabriz Educational Centers in the years 2014-2016. As the data was collected, the researcher started coding. Because the basis of analysis in the grounded theory is Continuous comparative analysis, in this way, data, codes, and categories are consistently compared to each other in terms of similarities and differences. The context categories and then the process and outcome were expanded, and finally the theoretical integration was achieved using diagrams and memos.

Findings: The analysis of the interviews led to the emergence of five categories of inadequate ward atmosphere, different clinical Competency, poor clinical education, nursing as Profession with high load and low respect, and individual characteristics. The fear of relationship with nurse’s as main concern led to a process of relationship with categories, monitoring the situation, Preparations for acceptance, continuing acceptance and collaboration in the ward. This process led to the outcome of poor student professional socialization in clinical setting.

Conclusion: It seems that in order to promote the relationship between nursing students and clinical nurses, there is a need for many changes such as providing facilities, improving clinical teaching methods and providing learning opportunities for students in the clinical education system. However, considering that the main problem in students’ relationship and collaboration with nurses' were explained inappropriate nurses behavior and perceptions towards the students, the most important issue is changing the attitude of clinical nurses toward nursing students. By making these changes, it is possible to improve the relationship between nursing students and nurses.

keywords: grounded theory, nursing students, Nurses, relationship, Clinical Learning Environment, grounded theory

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  • نوشته شده
  • در پنجشنبه شانزدهم آبان 1398
  • ساعت 10:57
  • توسط مهدی ابراهیم پور
  • ویرایش شده
  • در چهارشنبه سی و یکم فروردين 1401
  • ساعت 10:57
  • توسط مهدی ابراهیم پور
  • تعداد بازدید : 318
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