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دانلود ورژن جدید فایرفاکس دانلود ورژن جدید کروم
English فارسی

دانشکده پرستاری و ماماییSchool of Nursing & Midwifery

فهرست اصلی

مقالات سال 1389 گروه مامایی

To access the abstract, please click on the articles title




Effect of Oral Pentoxifylline on Semen Parameters in Oligoastheno Sperm Patients


Comparison of Continuation Rates and Reasons for Discontinuation of Cyclofem and Depo- Provera in Health Houses of East Azarbaijan, Iran, 2009


The Effect of Kangaroo Mother Care on Exclusive Breast Feeding in Nuliparous          


Clients’ Viewpoints About The Quality of Consultation of Family Planning in The Pre-Marital Counseling Centers of Tabriz


The Effect of Lifestyle on the Rate of Preterm Birth


Performing and evaluation of breast feeding education program on exclusive breastfeeding and growth indices of preterm infant at 4 month after birth    


The predective value of urinary calcium to creatinine Ratio,Roll over test and BMI in early diagnisis of pre-Eclampsia


Cesarean Mothers' Satisfaction with Physical and Informational Aspects of Care in Tabriz Public


The Predictive Value of Urinary Calcium to Creatinine Ratio, Roll-Over Test and BMI in Early Diagnosis of Pre-Eclampsia


Effect of continuous midwifery care on length of labor


Contributing Factors in Major Malformations in Neonatals Born in Alzahra Medical-Educational Hospital, Tabriz              


Evaluation the Some Aspects of ICDL in-Service Trainings from the Viewpoints of Administrators and Personnel of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and Health Services*


Measuring Breastfeeding Self – Efficacy among Pregnant Women Referred to Health Centers of Ahvaz           


Attitudes of Senior Midwifery Students of Tabriz Nursing and Midwifery Faculty to Wards Problems of Midwifery Clinical Education


Delivery Agents Preferences Regarding Mode of Delivery for Themslves and Pergnant Women (Obstetrics, Gynecologists, Midwives)


Primary Dysmenorrhea Among Dormitory Students of Tabriz


Health-promoting behaviors and social support of women of reproductive age, and strategies for advancing their health: Protocol for a mixed methods study

  • نوشته شده
  • در سه شنبه هشتم فروردين 1391
  • ساعت 09:35
  • توسط الناز صفرعلیخوانی
  • ویرایش شده
  • در پنجشنبه دوم خرداد 1398
  • ساعت 09:35
  • توسط مهدی ابراهیم پور
  • تعداد بازدید : 2103
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