برای نمایش بهتر وب سایت از ورژن جدید مرورگر فایرفاکس یا گوگل کروم استفاده نمایید.

دانلود ورژن جدید فایرفاکس دانلود ورژن جدید کروم
English فارسی

دانشکده پرستاری و ماماییSchool of Nursing & Midwifery

فهرست اصلی

مقالات سال 1385 گروه مامایی

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The relationship between maternal position and results of non-stress test among high risk pregnancy women(Full text in persian)


Comparing the Quality of Health Care Services for Children under One Year Old in Cooperative and Governmental Health Care Centers in Tabriz(Full text in persian)


The Efficacy of 2% Lidocaine Gel in Healing the Episiotomy and Relieving Its Pain during(Full text in persian)  


 Probable Effects of Fenugreek Seed on Hot Flash in Menopausal Women(Full text in persian


The role of Clinical Examination and Risk Factors in Diagnosis of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in Alzahra Educational Center of Tabriz(Full text in persian


Comparison The Quality of Health Services on Children Under One Year Old in Cooperative and Governmental Health Centers in Tabriz(Full text in persian)


 Prevalence of Gardnerella Vaginalis and its Risk Factors and Clinical Findings in Women Covered by Tabriz Health Centers, 2004  (Full text in persian)4 


Quality of Given Health Care Services to Those Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill Users  (Full text in persian)

 9.  Prevalence, Risk Factors and Clinical Findings of Candidiasis and Trichomoniasis in Women Supported by Selected Health Centers of Tabriz 2004 (full text in persian


Life Style and Its Relation with Pregnancy Outcomes  (full text in persian) 


Client Satisfaction with Family Planning Services in Tabriz Medical Health Centers(full text in persian)


Age of Menopause and Related Factors in Menopaused Women in Tabriz , 2004 (full text in persian) 

 13.  Sexual Experiences in Pregnant Women Referring to Health Centers of Tabriz Medical Science University, 2005 (full text in persian)


The effect of Lidocaine gel on episiotomy pain and healing; a double–blind randomized clinical trail (full text in persian).  


  Depression, anxiety and postoperation regret in sterilized women in health centers of Tabriz (2004). (full text in persian)


Continuation and discontinuation causes of using LD contraceptive pills among women referring to Tabriz health centers in 2004 (full text in persian)  


 Continuation rates and reasons for discontinuing TCu380A IUD use in Tabriz, Iran

 18.  Utilizing the Symptom Severity Scale ( SSS ) with 15 Items to Assess Differential respons of spasmodic and congestive Dysmenorrhea to Behavioural Treatment (BT)

  • نوشته شده
  • در پنجشنبه هفدهم فروردين 1391
  • ساعت 09:54
  • توسط الناز صفرعلیخوانی
  • ویرایش شده
  • در پنجشنبه دوم خرداد 1398
  • ساعت 09:54
  • توسط مهدی ابراهیم پور
  • تعداد بازدید : 1776
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