Articles Published in April 2007- March 2008
No: 11
1. Sobhgol SS, Charandabee SM. Related factors of urge, stress, mixed urinary incontinence and overactive bladder in reproductive age women in Tabriz, Iran: a cross-sectional study. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2008 Mar; 19(3):367-73.
2. Mohammad-Alizadeh S, Marions L, Vahidi R, Nikniaz A, Johansson A, Wahlström R. Quality of family planning services at primary care facilities in an urban area of East Azerbaijan, Iran. The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care 2007;13(1):1–9.
3. Sobhgol SS, Alizadeh Charndabi SM. Rate and related factors of dyspareunia in reproductive age women: a cross-sectional study. Int J Impot Res 2007;19(1):88-94. (cited by 11 articles)
4. Kamalifard M, Halimi H, Allahverdizadeh Sh, The quality of provided services for combined contraceptives pill users, Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2007,142-146.
5. Sehhati F, Koshavar H, Shaebani F, A review on lifestyle and its relation with the pregnancy outcomes in the pregnant women coming to educational hospitals of tabriz in 2004, Research Journal of Medical sciences 2007, 91-94.
6. Kamalifard M, Pirdel M, Bani S, Gojazadeh M, Comparison and Evaluation of Labor Pain and Factors Influencing Pain Perception in Primiparous and Multifarious Women Referring to Tabriz Alzahra Educational center in 2005-2006,Research Journal of Medical sciences,2007, 271-8.
7. Zamanzadeh V, Valizadeh L, Fathiazar E, Amini N, Nursing And Midwifery Students, Learning Styles In Tabriz Medical University, Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 2008, 243-5.
8. Valizadeh S, Abedi H, Zamanzadeh V, Fathiazar E, Challenge of Nursing Students During Their Studies: A Qualitative Research, Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 2008, 94-108.
9. Eshvandi KH, Zamanzadeh V, Ahmadi F, Fathiazar E, Barriers to Nursing Job Motivation, Medwell-Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 2008, 426-.
10. Baradaran rezai M, Breast Cancer Detection among Tabrizian Women, Medwell-Research Journal of Biological Sciences 2008, 236-7.
11. Baradaran rezai M, Fezi A. A Comparison Study about Factors Responsible for Compliance of Medical Treatment among Complained and Non-Complained Tuberculosis Patients in Urmia, Medwell-Research Journal of Biological Sciences 2008, 860-2.
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