شنبه 4 اسفند 1403 _ 22 شعبان 1446 _ 22 فوریه 2025
جستجو :
 منوی اصلی دانشکده
  Maternal and Infant Health

Shanghai, China • October 25 - 28, 2012

The 2nd Global Congress of
Maternal and Infant Health (GMIH)
Shanghai, China • October, 25 - 28, 012

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to take part in The 2nd Global Congress of Maternal and Infant Health (GMIH) which will take place in Shanghai, China, Oct 25-28, 2012.

The GMIH Congress will provide a unique platform for world leaders and participants to conduct a vibrant discussion aimed at reaching consensus in the various fields of perinatology. Debates, discussions and plenary lectures will facilitate this academic dialogue which will raise the most dynamic and challenging clinical and technological questions.

GMIH Congress Co-Chairpersons

Tony Duan, China

Luis Cabero Roura, Spain

José M. Carrera, Spain

Preliminary Main Topics


Premature labor-treatment


Prenatal diagnosis


Cesarean section


Diabetes I & Diabetes II


Preeclampsia prevention & treatment


Obstetric emergencies, the golden hour


Heart malformations


Postpartum hemorrhage




Prematurity prevention




Adult problems orginated in fetal life




Recurrent miscarriage


HIV and pregnancy


Perinatal quality indicators


Fetal therapy





Neonatal ventilatory therapies


Neonatal pulmonary hypertension


Neonatal nutrition


Neonatal infections


Neonatal pathology


Neonatal Images


Neonatal transport


Drugs impact in neonates

Preliminary List of Confirmed Speakers

A. Antsaklis, Greece
I. Blickstein, Israel
L. Cabero Roura, Spain
V. Cararach, Spain
X. Carbonell-Estrany, Spain
M.G.R. Carrapato, Portugal
F.A. Chervenak, USA
G.C. di Renzo, Italy
E. Donzelli, Italy
T. Duan, China
D. Haumont, Belgium
M. Hod, Israel
C. Hubinont, Belgium

A. Kurjak, Croatia
T.Y. Leung, Hong Kong
E. Llurba, Spain
X.P. Luo, China
R.K. Pejaver, India
U. Simeoni, France
C.P. Speer, Germany
M. Stanojevich, Croatia
L.M. Sun, China
Y. Ville, France
G. Visser, The Netherlands
I. Zalud, USA

AUGUST 1, 2012 - Click here

Take Advantage of the Early Registration Deadline
SEPTEMBER 1, 2012 - Click here







Chinese Society of Perinatal Medicine

International Academy of Perinatal Medicine

Inter-University School of Medical Ultrasound

Fetus as a Patient

Matres Mundi






Society for Reproduction and Fertility

Taiwan Association for minimally Invasive Gynecology

World Endometriosis Society

World Association of Perinatal Medicine

22nd World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

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